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Apply waterproofing membrane
. Provided by Customer:
  • Waterproofing conduit membrane for the diverter

  • Waterproofing conduit membrane for the shower head

  • Waterproofing conduit membrane for the Control Dial

Waterproofing membrane shall be applied around four penetrations in the wall, and on the metal flanges of the Wall Box and the drain unit.

  1. Remove the protective cover from the drain unit.

  2. Roughen the metal surface of the drain unit and the Wall Box and clean them with the included cleaning wipe.


    To achieve optimal bonding, all surfaces should be clean and free of adhesion reducing substances (e.g. dust, acid, grease).

  3. Clean the tileable mounting surface with a suitable degreasing agent.

  4. Mask the black lacquered part of the Wall Box flange with tape.

  5. Apply waterproofing glue on the metal flanges of the Wall Box and drain unit.

  6. Spread the waterproofing glue with a fine-toothed glue spreader or brush.

  7. Apply liquid membrane to the floor- and wall surfaces which the drain waterproofing membrane and the Wall Box waterproofing membrane are going to cover.

  8. Apply the enclosed waterproofing membranes around the Wall Box and the drain unit. Firmly apply pressure and remove air pockets using a smoothing tool. Make sure no blisters or creases occur. Cover both the floor and the wall when mounting the drain waterproofing membrane.

  9. Apply waterproofing conduit membrane according to the chosen manufacturer to seal the conduits from the wall. Ensure the remaining surfaces gets waterproofed according to the chosen waterproofing membrane manufacturer and applicable industry standards.
