Hibernation mode

Use the Hibernation mode to set your shower in a resting state for seasonal or periodical inactivity. While in Hibernation mode, the shower cannot be used and does not respond to scheduled actions such as Deep cleaning or Instant start schedules.
Hibernation mode is accessed through the Control Dial or in the My Water app. Once activated, it will stay on until you turn it off. You can turn it off in the shower settings or remote control in the My Water app, or via the Control Dial in the shower.
Orbital Systems recommends not keeping your shower in Hibernation mode longer than 9 months at a time. For longer time periods, Orbital Systems can’t guarantee full product functionality.
To secure optimal functionality, it is important to prepare your shower before activating the Hibernation mode. Perform the following steps:
Clean the drain (see Clean the drain).
Change the Filter (see Change the Filter Capsule).
If the Filter was recently changed, this step can be skipped.
Prepare for Detergent cleaning by placing detergent on the floor. When turning on Hibernation mode, the shower will automatically start a Detergent cleaning program (see Detergent cleaning).
When turning off Hibernation mode the shower automatically runs a Deep cleaning program. To run a Deep cleaning program, the shower has to be connected to the incoming water supply. Once the Deep cleaning is done, the shower can be used as normal and will revert back to automatically performing Deep cleaning and preparing for Instant start as scheduled.
The shower shall still be connected to power while the Hibernation mode is turned on.
The shower shall never be exposed to freezing temperatures since it will result in imminent risk of damage and leakage.